You will be selecting one of the Action Focused Approaches covered this week (Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy,etc.) and describing the approaches potential efficacy for use in you preferred future client population and work environment
- First, consider the work environment and client/student population you wish to work with after graduation. For example, a clinical mental health counseling student may want to conduct outpatient counseling with survivors of abuse or Veteran with PTSD. A school counseling student may want to work in a small rural middle school or a large urban high school.
- Second, review the Action Focused Approaches covered this week and select one that you feel would be particularly useful in your preferred future work environment.
- Third, address the below prompts:
- Identify the approach you will be discussing and your preferred future work environment.
- Describe two reasons why you believe your selected approach would be useful when working in your preferred future work environment. Provide an example for each reason. Support with reference/s.
- Describe two potential limitations of using the selected approach when working in your preferred future work environment. Provide an example for each reason. Support with reference/s.
- Based upon your above analysis of the approach, how well do you feel you could personally apply the approach to addressing human dysfunction, wellness, growth, and change?
- TIP: Consider organizing your post with level one headings.
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Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
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