International Comparison of Data

Feb 20, 2024

The World Health Organization’s “Statistical Information System” is an interactive database that allows you to compare health indicators for multiple countries. For this Assignment, you will compare data from the two countries (Turkey and Pakistan) you selected for the Discussion with the United States (i.e., compare the same countries (Turkey and Pakistan)  in both the Discussion and the Assignment).

In preparation for this Assignment, consider the value of using standardized quantitative health measures or indicators to compare information internationally. Examine the definitions of indicators presented in the Learning Resources, including pages 55–62 of the Shi and Singh (2015) textbook.

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International Comparison of Data
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Use the WHO website found in this week’s Learning Resources to examine country statistics and profiles. Create a table to record data related to three health indicators for the three countries (i.e., the two (Turkey and Pakistan) you have selected to compare with the United States, for a total of three countries) as illustrated in the Week 6 Example document (located in the Learning Resources).

Once your table is complete, compare the data and analyze it in light of the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources and the research you conducted for the Discussion. What insights does this comparison give you about health and disease within the U.S. health care delivery system and the systems of the two (Turkey and Pakistan) other countries you selected?

The Assignment

Write a paper in which you:

  • Identify thetwo (Turkey and Pakistan) countries that you are comparing with the United States.
  • Define thethree health indicators you have selected for your analysis and explain why you chose them.
  • Include the table you created to record and compare your data.
  • Summarize the results of your comparison, sharing at leasttwo insights that you gained through this analysis of health and disease in the United States and your two selected countries.

General Guidance on Assignment Length: Your Assignment should be 2–3 pages, excluding a title page and references. Refer to the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

Required Resources


  • Shi, L., & Singh, D. (2015). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

o    Review Chapter 12, “An Overview of US Health Care Delivery” (pp. 20–28)

o    Chapter 2, “Beliefs, Values, and Health” (pp. 52–73)

o    Review Chapter 13, “Health Policy” (pp. 510–531)

o    Chapter 14, “The Future of Health Services Delivery” (pp. 557–558)

Use the following websites as needed to identify countries on which to focus in your Discussion postings and the Assignment:

Use the following website to conduct research on health system characteristics for your Discussion postings:

Use the following resources for the Assignment:

Optional Resources



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