A major component of organizational practice is the evaluation of a program. Program evaluation allows us to assess whether or not our interventions are addressing the problem(s) for which they have been designed. Students are to choose the program for which they are completing their field experience to complete this assignment.
Mission and Vision of the Agency
- Provide your agency’s mission statement. This information can usually be found on the agency website. As a multicultural and diverse learning community prepares each student for an ever-changing world. We are committed to fostering each child’s full academic potential, building each child’s self-esteem; and empowering each child to become a responsible, respectful, contributing citizen, and life-long learner.
- Provide your agency’s vision statement. This information can usually be found on the agency website. where today’s learners become tomorrow’s leaders.
Purpose and Goals of the Program
What are the specific human problems that the program is attempting to handle? - What are the demographic and social characteristics of the people affected by the problem?
The Department of Special Services is responsible for the evaluation and classification of students with handicapping conditions in line with IDEIA and New Jersey Administrative Code Title: 6A. In addition, we develop individualized educational programs (IEPs), provide case management services and related services such as: speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, and assistive technology for students as identified in their IEPs. To this end the Glassboro Public Schools employs three school psychologists, two learning consultants, two school social workers, three speech therapists, and one occupational therapist. Other services such as physical therapy are contracted for on an as needed basis.
Our mandate is to provide students with handicaps an appropriate educational program in the least restrictive educational program placement that is appropriate for that student. Glassboro Public Schools provides a full continuum of placements and we have greatly expanded our use of in-class support services to keep more classified students in regular education placements.
Identification, evaluation, special education and related services for students ages 3-21 experiencing academic, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in the school setting.
Glassboro residents ages 3-21.
What are the short-range and long-range goals of the program? To provide services (evaluation, case management, related services/occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, special
education programs/instruction) to assist students.
Social and Historical Factors
In what historical context (social, cultural, legal) has the problem evolved?
B. What is the significance of the problem to society, why is this problem important? If children
are our future, then their level of education impacts their ability to function in the future which
impacts everyone.
C. What are the major factors that have made it a problem or have helped to alleviate it?
Research history of special education law
Program Funding
- How is your program funded? Discuss whether your program is financed by federal,
state, local or private sources?
Implementation of the Program
How many people does it take to manage and run the program? ? Director, 2 secretaries, 2 social
workers, 3 school psychologists, 2 learning consultants, 2 occupational therapists, 1 physical therapist, - What are the primary job descriptions of the staff at the agency?
Is the program’s emphasis on the utilization of traditional social work resources, or is
there utilization of leaders from other fields or non-professional sources? Services are delivered
through the collaboration of the Child Study Team (social workers, psychologists, learning consultants, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists) behavior specialists, teachers, administration, guidance counselors, teaching assistants.
B. What are the specific services which the program offers? Evaluation to determine eligibility, special education instruction, counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech
therapy, and case management.
Where does the program operate What is its geographic jurisdiction? - What population does the program target? Who receives the services? Population- students 3-21 determined eligible for special education services.
- How many individuals does the program serve?
- To date, what proportion of the target population has the program reached, and what services have they received?
- Is the delivery of services based upon a single theoretical orientation, or does it incorporate a multi-disciplined approach to the problem? Multi-disciplined approach
- What criteria does the program staff use to evaluate whether it is accomplishing its goals?
Is the evaluation directly determined, or indirectly inferred? Student progress toward IEP
goals, report cards, progress reports, state and district wide assessments, and parent feedback. - Is the evaluation directly determined, or indirectly inferred? Both
B. Provide outcomes of the program.
a. Do the outcomes for the program align with the stated goals? yes
b. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? Strengths-a staff with a good work
ethic and Weaknesses-lack of resources and increased demands
c. What recommendations do you have to improve the program?
-Mental health issues have increased and are having an increased impact on educational
functioning and progress. Availability of counseling services and psychiatric care is essential to improve the program. Pet therapy would be wonderful.
-Increase the number of staff would improve ability to provide services
-For appropriate students, provide more functional/life skills opportunities.
Service Learning Reflection
I am interning at Glassboro public schools in the Child Study Team department, particularly in their social work program. In addition, I will be conducting my organizational assessment for the Glassboro School District.
Identifying the correct information for the organization assessment will be my direct supervisor, Beth Torbik. Her position is the Glassboro Child Study Team social worker. She has already helped me start with the list of crucial district positions, district-wide administrative supervisors, building administration, officers and coordinators, and the child study team.
The resources I will need to continue to conduct my organizational assessment are the correct names of the members on the administration board, a breakdown of how the organizational structure works, and a systematic review of the organization’s processes.
When gathering the staffing information, I thought I would not have any questions. However, when Beth and I discussed the assessment and the list of coordinators, staff, and faculty, we realized that some members had retired. I also have questions about the essential chain of command; therefore, I do not overstep boundaries and go to the correct people at the proper time.
I plan to complete my organizational assessment chart by the end of the day on September 20. I do not feel it will be a problem getting the information needed. After discussing it in class I have a better understanding of what I need to do. With my direct supervisor being helpful with information and her time and already starting the chart, it should not be hard to complete.